Wilderness Therapy
B2B Technology
Audience Insights
How we helped SAP make a big difference to small businesses
Small business owners often use software solutions like Excel or QuickBooks to run their business. But as they grow, they aren’t always robust enough. SAP Business ByDesign would be the perfect software business partner. So, how could we let them know about it before they hit ‘the breaking point’?
A project management headache here. A finance-tracking challenge there. They might seem like small, isolated problems, but are they? Informed by audience insight research, the campaign included valuable thought leadership content and tools to capture interest through a targeted paid social, display and email nurture program. We also provided a free ‘test drive’ to get SAP Business ByDesign software into people’s hands – enabling us to understand and address specific industry target pain points in real time.
Our campaign delivered over twice as many leads as originally aimed for. And small business owners had one less thing to worry about.