We work for individuals

Every brand is different. And every consumer is too. That’s why we stand against bland, broad-brush generalizations and champion solutions that precisely understand the individual’s needs, beliefs, behaviors, and aspirations. Understanding is empathy. And in our work, a little empathy goes a long way.

About us
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We stand up for individuality within our agency

DE&I (diversity, equity and inclusion) is at the center of our process and our work. It fundamentally affects change for our own organization, the brands we serve and the industry at large. We know there’s magic in amplifying diverse perspectives and celebrating lived experiences. And we prove, through our craft, that those points of difference are truly valuable.

How we support DE&I
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We are industry-leading practitioners

When individuals feel understood, they’re willing to engage more deeply with a brand and change their behavior. And that means growth for our clients. To that end, we leverage three primary enterprise solutions:

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Our connected data solution is three simple steps to harnessing the power of data and putting the precision and empathy back into marketing. We build a plan that connects your brand ambitions with the possibilities in your data. We create a platform that connects the right data with the marketing teams who need it. We power up your data by enriching, enhancing and augmenting it with our unparalleled modelling firepower for competitive edge. And, through it all, you can be confident that data privacy and security underpins everything we do. We help you go beyond compliancy and embrace the ethics required, while still unlocking valuable customer data.


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Our connected decisioning solution combines human and machine to prioritize and optimize marketing spend for maximum impact. We create a unified customer journey that serves as the single, customer-centric source of truth in your organization. We categorize and score the value of every action a customer can take. We measure the impact of marketing interventions on driving those actions and create the business rules that drive automated marketing decisions.

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Our connected content solution is the modern way to produce and optimize marketing content at scale. We create an atomic design system flexible enough to allow creativity to flourish and structured enough to be delivered (at least in part) by AI in any channel without breaking your brand. We build content production processes that reduce the cost of content to close to $0 and increase the speed to market exponentially. And we leverage the latest gen AI alongside our human creatives to expand the possibilities for your brand.

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Start your journey towards growth for your brand

How well do you really know your customer? We can tell you. MiQ is our diagnostic tool that quantifies how customer-centric your brand is - literally giving you a number between 0-100. Next, we’ll leverage precision and empathy at scale, working with you to improve that number – and your business.

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And we have experts across the globe

Our people are true leaders in their fields – from tech and marketing sciences to healthcare and DE&I. Connect with them below.