January 02, 2018
"Consumers are surrounded by artificial intelligence, from the iPhone’s Siri to voice-first user-interface devices such as Amazon’s Echo to the emergence of autonomous vehicles through Google’s Waymo. The same is true for brands, which are bombarded by marketing technology platforms that tout how their latest artificial intelligence capabilities will give brands an edge in the marketplace and, above all, solve their marketing challenges.
Attend any marketing conference, and you’ll see the terminology everywhere. Phrases like “AI-powered,” “deep learning,” and “machine learning” are incorporated into product descriptions with nary a marketing technology solution positioning itself outside this trend. Often, though, this language brings a lot of flare without a lot of substance, making this constantly evolving landscape of new technologies, tools, and cognitive-marketing tactics difficult for brands to parse through. Which platforms deliver real value versus which simply attempt to stay relevant in a competitive marketplace?"
Read the full article here.